Garbage is the New Deplorable: Democrats’ Poor Word Choice Hands Trump the Election - Again
Democrats are finally awake now that Donald Trump has been reelected
The “shock” comes after a months (years?) long campaign against Trump, hurling accusations at the President-elect and his supporters alike.
Even those less enthusiastic about Trump, but who supported him nonetheless, have continued to bear the brunt of the political ire of a party who seems to be having a tough time losing.
For those who expected the very predictable outcome of the election, the warning signs have been flashing since the loss of the last one.
The Biden administration did their best to keep the current President from damaging Kamala Harris’s campaign too much.
They failed.
Biden’s insulting of Trump supporters, calling them “garbage” -which was quickly retracted and branded as mispeaking- began a sharp downhill turn for Harris’s support.
Trump’s numbers began to rise meteorically.
The media denied it to the end.
CNN’s newsroom practically had crickets chirping the morning election results began to solidify. Social media has been awash in “unfollowing” and lashing out.
The participation trophy kids are struggling to understand how what they wanted so badly slipped through their fingers.
The obvious answer is that the silent majority allowed the far left to feel comfortable in their vocality. The political echo chamber of the media and social media squashed, ostracized, and belittled anyone who dared disagree with them.
It left them isolated, trapped in a political echo chamber, devoid of outside opinions or the ability to process perspectives that might differ from their own.
In the onslaught of what they called racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and intolerance, the left failed to come up for a breath as they drifted away into a political La La Land.
Biden’s alleged slip of the tongue provided a perfect vignette for a social climate increasingly fraught with political animosity.
It also looks like it was the last straw for many voters who were on the fence with their support.
As frequently as the Biden administration cast insults, Trump has been learning to measure his words.
His shrewd partnerships across the Republican party and continuing assignments are showing his respect for the political machine in a way that soothed fears some voters had about supporting him.
While Trump took a more tempered and relatable approach in this round (no small thanks to his podcast advisor Barron), liberals across social media hurled condescending narratives at anyone they believed were paying attention to their posts.
These same people are actually crying that their candidate lost.
Notably, Harris stayed away from saying anything similar to Biden’s insult. She did, however, face significant criticism for being just a face for the Democratic movement.
While her current boss called her adversary’s supporters “garbage”, Harris in many cases failed completely to sell her message.
It frequently seemed like there was no message at all.
The “Joy” slogan she employed towards the end of her campaign fell short for many voters as well.
This election hinged on having hard stances and real solutions to the problems that Americans are facing. Homeland security, education, health, and the economy took center stage across Trump’s campaign, and he included the necessary experts in his plan for success.
Harris recruited the Hollywood elite, now tied up in the Sean Combs (“Diddy”) controversy, that ultimately left moderates and even many on the left scratching their heads, and wondering how they could vote for a leader so obviously out of touch.
The entire logic is as flawed as the Democrats’ voting system.
The current structure appears to be sow domestic discord, damage the economy, appear spineless on the global stage, and blame capitalism for the failure of welfare states.
It’s garnered votes in the past, bolstered especially by voters without legitimate IDs. Almost every flipped state in this election was a state that has begun to require IDs to vote.
There’s no way that’s a coincidence.
Ultimately, the US dodged a bullet (and likely all-out war in some places), and we can only thank Biden for tying it up in a bow for Trump to take back.
Voters showed up for what we really need: a strong President on the international stage, competent and informed experts in leadership, and a significant reduction in liberal sensibilities (or lack thereof).
Not bad for a heap of garbage.