Obamacare was written by the insurance companies, politicians need to read the bills, Congress is an insider trading body

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Due a survey on how many Americans cannot afford health insurance! I have Medicare but my husband is not old enough yet. We cannot afford insurance for him. Employee coverage is in the most part affordable but the rates jump up 1000.00 or more for family coverage! We may one day afford more healthy foods but we will still need affordable insurance.

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Yez that was the point and we knew in 2009

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Oh, like Trump and the Republicans have a better alternative to Obamacare ? Ha Ha Ha Ha !!! They don't even have a worse alternative . They have nothing at all to enable the American people to afford health care and other necessities of life -period .

Republican health care policies can be summed up in four brief words : GET SICK AND DIE !!! But if you happen to be rich , you have easy access to the best medical care in the world .

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I agree with much of this, but while I don't know what your vision of a "free market" solution is, i am confident that ANY SOLUTION that is a hyper centralized one, such as what we have now, no matter what its form, even if it were to implausibly have literally zero government involvement, would not be free market; it must be both economically AND governmentally decentralized in order to get as close as can be gotten to free market

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It never occurred to me until I started listening to RFK Junior and Casey means that the tobacco companies when driven out of the cigarette business for them of expired turn their attention to food companies and Pharma. The same marketing techniques which were successful for big tobacco have been suggested as the model for big Pharma and big food who are engaged in a symbiotic relationship, where they feed us things to make us sick and then give us drugs to make us better, but not completely well. It is hard to imagine that any of our fellow humans are that evil or filled with such bad intentions and maybe they don’t even realize it but there it is.

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You know they used Obamacare to kill us during Covid. Doctors don’t run things Hospitals Admin and Insurance companies do. I am a pureblood and we (my family) are doing the best we can to stay away from Doctors (Healthcare in general). Our Technocratic life is rife with issues. Educate yourself and act on what you learn.

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That would be everyone.

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Amen to that. I used it in 2015. It doubled every year . I was on 2 types of insulin at 60$ each. I couldn’t afford it . Insurance companies run the health care system. Set regulations. Tell doctors and hospitals how to treat patients.

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